Looking to sell more?

Sell over the phone

Do you have many clients who need regular contact to increase product sales? Or do you want to reach new customers? The most effective sales channel is sales over the phone. Advantages include the fact that you get immediate feedback and leave marketing information behind, even if the call is not successful.

Don't have the staff or technical equipment to handle a lot of phone calls? And perhaps it is not your area of expertise and you are unsure how to communicate properly? Contact us - we have the experience, equipment and people to get the job done. And you can continue to focus your attention your core business.

The service can be started quickly. We need to know your ideas and goals, and based on them we will adjust the entire project exactly to your needs. Reporting on call results and new orders will be available online.

Forms of telesales

Addressing the client and offering the product is the first step to acquiring a customer. However, if you want them to become your stable client, you should not only rely on their satisfaction with your products. Give them your active attention - offer news, special offers or additional options. We will be happy to provide you with any form of telesales that you need right now:


to effectively sell your products to new and existing clients

Cross sale

to offer additional goods or services to clients who have already bought from you

Up sale

to increase the volume of goods sold to your stable customers

Retenčné hovory

to extend a contract with a client

Wakeup calls

to remind customers who haven't ordered anything for a long time or stopped using your services

Win Back calls

to win back a customer who left you

Additional services

We know from experience that to maintain client loyalty, after-sales service is equally important, which we will be happy to provide for you. As additional services to telesales, we offer, for example:

  • Welcome calls – for building a relationship with customers
  • Info hotlines – for communication initiated by the customer
  • Satisfaction surveys – to obtain information important for further decision-making

Benefits of outsourcing


  • Tailor-made solution – before starting the project, we will first carry out an audit of processes and propose a suitable sequence and structure of implementation.
  • Option for commission payment on sales – zero investment risk for our client and simple calculation of costs and revenues.
  • Database of customers who have already bought from you - the success of UP SALE and CROSS SALE is 4 to 6 times higher with them than with new customers.
  • Coping with seasonal fluctuations in sales –you are not overstaffed in the off-season, you are not overloaded during the season.
  • Long-term cooperation – most of the projects implemented by us last 3 years or more, thanks to which we have the opportunity to get to know the client very well and offer them exactly the solutions and additional services they need.

Are you

Write Martin without a commitment
Martin Minárik
Business Development
+421 914 100 756

    Are you

    Write Martin without a commitment
    Martin Minárik
    Business Development

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